The mission of the Association is to support and enhance the capacity of New York's local Area Agencies on Aging and to work in collaboration with the aging network to promote independence, preserve dignity, and advocate on the behalf of aging New Yorkers and their families.

Non-Profit Organization for aging services in New York
About Us
Board of Directors
Board of Directors - Officers
David Jordan, President
Director, Montgomery County Office for the Aging -
Andrea Montgomery, Vice President
Director, Montgomery County Office for the Aging -
Nancy Dingee, Treasurer
Director, Schoharie County Office for the Aging -
Gina Cantanucci-Mitchell, Secretary
Director, Washington County Office for Aging and Disability Resources
Committee Chairs
Legislative Committee
- Holly Rhodes-Teague, Director, Suffolk County Office for the Aging
Bylaws and Nominating Committee
- Cathy Mackay, Director, Cattaraugus County Office for the Aging
At-Large Board Members
- Sue Carlock, Director, Livingston County Office for the Aging
- Darlene DiCarlo, Director, Niagara County Office for the Aging
- Amy Haskins, Director, Wayne County Office for the Aging
- Krissy Leerkes, Director, Essex County Office for the Aging
- Cathy MacKay, Director, Cattaraugus County Department of Aging
- Steve Newcomb, Director, Monroe County Office for the Aging
- Dee Park, Director, Warren/Hamilton County Office for the Aging
- Holly Rhodes-Teague, Director, Suffolk County Office for the Aging
- Beth Stranges, Director, Chemung County Office for the Aging
- Sara Sunday, Director, Oswego County Office for the Aging
- Carla Hellinger, LEWIS
Staff/Contact Us
Becky Preve, Executive Director
Kathryn (Katy) Carroll, Esq., Disability and Program Coordinator
Evelyn (Evi) Stilson-Ouderkirk, Program Services and Finance Manager
Renae C. Brown, MS, RD, LD
Molly Berwald, Administrative Assistant
Contact Us
Association on Aging in New York
515 Broadway STE 402
Albany, New York 12207
What are aging services?
Core Services Provided Through Area Agencies on Aging
New York State Area Agencies on Aging were established under the Older Americans Act of 1965 to respond to the needs of American age 60 and over. By providing home and community-based services, the Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) make it possible for older adults to live with independence and dignity in their homes and communities for as long as possible. Services are provided through the programs below, which are funded through the federal Older Americans Act, New York State, county government, and other sources.
Agencies on Aging offices are located in every county, New York City and the Seneca Nation and St. Regis Mohawk Indian Reservations. Find your local office.
Core Services Include:
- Home Delivered Group Meals
- Nutrition Counseling
- Information and Assistance
- Caregiver Support Services
- Health Insurance Information & Assistance
- Home Energy Assistance
- Long-Term Care Information through NY Connects
- Adult Day Services
- In-home Services
- Legal Services
- Volunteer Opportunities
Calendar of Events
Check out our Calendar of Events for information about upcoming events like our Lunch & Learn series and more.
Aging Concerns Unite Us (ACUU)
Aging Concerns Unite Us conference is New York’s premiere professional development conference for aging service professionals. Over 480 people attended last
year. The aging services industry looks to this conference for learning on a broad range of subjects: innovative programs, best practices and policies to support healthy living for aging New Yorkers.
If you work in aging services in NY and want to expand your horizons and network, YOU should attend ACUU!
Leadership Institute
Leadership Institute:
Aging-NY's Leadership Institute is a 2.5-day strategic planning session to advance aging issues and develop public policy objectives. The Institute is an executive summit held exclusively for our member Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Directors and Commissioners from throughout New York State.
The Institute is an outstanding opportunity to meet colleagues in an informal atmosphere to discuss strategies, challenges, and all of the issues facing New York's AAAs. AAA Directors and Commissioners welcome the opportunity to share their expertise and ideas, as well as get to know one another and create a strong network of aging services professionals around the state.
Who attends Leadership Institute?
Leadership Institute is an event designed exclusively for AAA Directors & Commissioners who are dues-paying AAA members of the Association on Aging in NY.
Attendee Registration Information:
Attendance for Leadership Institute is restricted to the Directors/Commissioners of the AAA only. No substitutes (attendees other than the Director/Commissioner of the AAA) can attend.
Get Involved
Erie County Anti-Stigma Coalition - Take the Pledge to End Stigma. Join a group of thought leaders and difference makers who are working to change public perceptions about mental health. Pledge to End Stigma with us and help create a new dialogue about mental health.
Education and Training
Aging NY Training Academy
The Academy training program is a collaboration with the New York State Office for the Aging and coordinated by the Association on Aging in NY.
The Academy recognizes and strongly believes that in order to provide quality services to older adults and their families, ongoing professional development for aging network service providers is essential. The Aging NY Training Academy is committed to working with state and local partners to develop training content and a variety of delivery methods that provide an opportunity for all of those who work with older adults to participate.
Mission Statement: To provide the best education and training programs that result in a workforce that has the tools and competencies to deliver quality services to older New Yorkers and persons of all ages with disabilities.
Vision Statement: New York's aging network services providers will receive core competency training that will enhance their skills and improve the quality of services they deliver.
Get Trained in Health Disparities in Aging
The State Office for the Aging and Department of Health partnered to offer free training modules designed for all aging services providers and their staff. Access the course.
Who Should Attend:
- AAA Directors, Commissioners, and all staff
- Subcontractors involved in your aging services
- All Aging Network Service Providers
The Trainings Offered are:
Case management Certificate Training
Professional Online Training Courses
Case Management Certificate Program: About the Program
The Association on Aging in NY, in partnership with the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) is pleased to announce a Case Management Certificate Training Program. This program is designed aging service network case management work force throughout New York Stage who are either directly employed by an AAA as well as those who are vendors of AAA's and received state and/or federal funding. This includes both full and part time staff.
This online training program will be delivered by Boston University's Center for Aging and Disability Education and Research (CADER) and, endorsed by the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA)
The six required courses are:
- 1 Core Issues in Aging and Disability (5 CEUs)
- 2 Assessment with Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities (4 CEUs)
- 3 A Guide to Aging and Disability networks (4 CEUs)
- 4 Care Management Practice (2 CEUs)
- 5 Care Transitions (4 CEUs)
- 6 Aging with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (3 CEUs)
Eligibility: This program is designed for directly employed AAA case managers and case managers who are vendors of AAAs and receive state and/or federal funding.
Visit the NYSOFA Online Training Academy info page for complete course descriptions, program information and/or to register for the program CEU certificate issued by CADER upon completion on each course.
Online Certificate Training Program Frequently Asked Questions
How many online courses do I have to take to complete the program?
The program consists of six required courses.
How long do I have to complete the course?
Coursework must be completed by October 31, including online evaluations and assessments at the conclusion of each of the five courses. Learners enrolling after July 1: your coursework must be completed within five months of your enrollment date.
Do I have to take each course in one sitting?
You are not expected to complete an online course in one sitting or from one device. Login and out as needed to complete the program.
Do I have to take them in a specific order?
Upon enrollment you will have access to the first online course. After you complete the first online course, the second online course will be released into your account, etc.
Once I finish my coursework, when do I receive my certificate?
You may print certificates for each course upon completion. All participants who have completed all coursework will receive the final Certificate at the beginning of the following month. For example, if you complete the Case Management Certificate Training Program in October, you will receive your certificate in November.
Will these courses meet my continuing education requirements?
This program will carry 23 CEUs hours. Contact your individual state jurisdiction to review current continuing education requirements for licensure renewal. It is up to the licensee (you) to be sure that the content of the courses will meet the requirements of his or her board and that online courses are accepted. Your jurisdiction's licensing/certification board always has the final say as to whether the continuing education courses you took will be approved. Print out your CEU certificate after successfully completing each course.
Can I share my materials?
Materials and course materials belong to Boston University's Center for Aging and Disability Education and Research and cannot be used for purposes other than online training for the organization or individual who registers and enrolls in CADER. Course completion cannot be transferred to another training participant.
What happens if I cannot pass the course quiz for a course within 10 tries?
Unfortunately, this would jeopardize receiving your certificate since 10 tries is the maximum allowed to pass each course. You would still receive CEUs for any courses successfully completed. It is recommended that you use a printout of the course for review prior to completing the assessment. You can take your time studying since you enter the system and complete the assessment when you are ready. However, training participants often find that they do better taking the assessment sooner rather than later.
What happens if I do not choose to take one or more of the courses because I either changed my mind or have other priorities?
Once you have enrolled in a course, that training slot has been filled and cannot be transferred to another person. Your application to the program represents a commitment. If you change your mind before enrollment, please contact your local NYS AAA Training Coordinator immediately.
Is it mandatory to take the assessment and the course evaluation?
The course assessment is a content-based test of your knowledge after completing the coursework. It provides a basic measurement of learning and a way to assess successful course completion as part of the certificate program. It is also used to aggregate data for reporting to this organization and for research purposes by Boston University.
Will I receive my Certificate when I complete all the courses?
Participants who complete all training required will receive the Certificate within one month following the contractual end of training, which is the date when access ends to the online courses.
Already registered? Access your training program.
Information & Resources
NY Connects is your trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages or with any type of disability. Your Link to Long Term Services and Support. (800) 342-9871
Find an Office for the Aging branch in your county
The National Academy of Elder Law (NAELA) is dedicated to improving the quality of legal services provided to older adults and people with disabilities
COVID-19 information and resources
Check out the Aging in NY Blog for the latest news and information regarding aging services across the state